Directly affiliated to the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), the Second Institute of Oceanography (SIO) was established in 1966 and is affiliated to the Ministry of Natural Resources. It has developed into a non-profit oceanographic research institute with comprehensive disciplines, strong scientific and technological capabilities, and advanced equipment support. It is mainly engaged in marine scientific research on China seas, oceans, and polar regions as well as the R&D and application of high technology for marine environmental protection and resources exploration.
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIRCAS) is a research unit with overall management and technical functions in three main fields: optoelectronic engineering, aerospace and aviation, and applied science and technology.
甘肃省治沙研究所是甘肃省省属的县级事业单位,是在中国科学院1959 年建立的甘肃省民勤治沙综合试验站的基础上,于1980 年成立的隶属甘肃省林业和草原局的省级重点科研院所。主要面向中国西北干旱区,围绕荒漠化防治及生态环境整治战略需求,针对干旱区环境演变、荒漠化过程与机理、风沙灾害防治技术、沙区生物多样性保护与资源开发利用、内陆河流域生态系统保育与恢复重建、防沙治沙用沙等方面的问题,开展基础理论、应用技术试验研究、科技成果示范推广及转化应用等方面的工作,为防沙治沙、生态环境建设以及社会经济可持续发展提供理论和技术支撑。
Gansu Desertification Prevention Institute (GDPI) is a provincial level entity which was founded in 1959 by Chinese Academy of Sciences, and was transformed in 1980 into an important research centre affiliated to the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Gansu Province. As it is located in a dry area of Northwestern China,its main function is to conduct fundamental theoretical researches in order to better understand environmental evolution processes and desertification protection, and to innovate applied technologies in order to better address desertification related issues. The centre has provided strong support for constructing a healthy ecology and environment, and also for a steady economic development in that region.