2020年09月17日 淡化所与沙特盐水转化公司签订合作谅解备忘录
2020年9月,天津海水淡化所与沙特盐水转化公司(Saline Water Conversion Corporation, SWCC)签订合作谅解备忘录。根据备忘录,双方将通过经验交流、人员互访、合作研发等形式,在反渗透和多效蒸馏海水淡化、海水淡化新技术研发、海水淡化技术标准化等领域开展合作,以推动两国海水淡化技术和产业发展。
SWCC是沙特负责海水淡化和电力工程运营的国有公司,承担着沙特国内超过69%的淡化水生产,旗下的海水淡化厂总产能居世界首位。在其主办的2018国际脱盐协会研发委员会学术研讨会上,淡化所受邀作了题为《国家级淡化研究所的运行经验与教训》的主旨演讲,得到SWCC的高度认可。考虑到淡化所在海水淡化领域对其有较强的借鉴价值, SWCC主动提出签订战略合作备忘录,以增进交流并建立长期稳定合作关系。同年12月,中国-沙特高级别联合委员会贸易和投资分委会第三次会议期间,沙方代表、中沙高委会成员、SWCC国际部主任AhamedS. AL-Arifi博士向淡化所正式提交合作谅解备忘录草案文本。为贯彻落实中沙(特)高委会有关会议精神,推进双方海水淡化务实合作,淡化所与SWCC多次磋商,就备忘录文本内容达成一致,并报请双方上级主管部门中国自然资源部、沙特部长理事会批准同意。鉴于当前国际疫情发展形势,经双方协商,通过远程在线签约方式完成了备忘录文本签订,并于2020年9月2日正式生效。
In September 2020, Tianjin Desalination Institute signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation with Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC). According to the memorandum, the two sides will cooperate in the fields of reverse osmosis and multi-effect distillation desalination, new desalination technology research and development, and desalination technology standardization through experience exchange, personnel exchange, and cooperative research and development, so as to promote the development of desalination technology and industry in the two countries.
SWCC is a state-owned company responsible for the operation of desalination and power engineering in Saudi Arabia. It is responsible for more than 69% of the desalinated water production in Saudi Arabia, and its desalination plants have the largest total production capacity in the world. At the 2018 International Desalination Association Research and Development Committee Academic Seminar hosted by it, the Desalination Institute was invited to give a keynote speech entitled "Operation Experience and Lessons of National Desalination Research Institutes", which was highly recognized by SWCC. Considering that the Desalination Institute has a strong reference value in the field of desalination, SWCC took the initiative to propose the signing of a strategic cooperation memorandum to enhance exchanges and establish a long-term and stable cooperative relationship. In December of the same year, during the third meeting of the Trade and Investment Subcommittee of the China-Saudi Arabia High-Level Joint Committee, Dr. Ahamed S. AL-Arifi, Saudi representative, member of the China-Saudi Arabia High-Level Committee, and Director of the International Department of SWCC, formally submitted the draft text of the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation to the Desalination Institute. In order to implement the spirit of the relevant meetings of the China-Saudi Arabia (Special) High-Level Committee and promote practical cooperation in seawater desalination between the two sides, the Desalination Institute and SWCC held several consultations and reached an agreement on the content of the memorandum text, and reported it to the superior authorities of both sides, the Ministry of Natural Resources of China and the Saudi Council of Ministers for approval. In view of the current international epidemic situation, after consultation between the two sides, the memorandum text was signed through remote online signing, and it officially came into effect on September 2, 2020.
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